Friday, July 2, 2010

Where has the time gone?

Has it really been THAT long since I've updated this blog?  Yeeks, sorry!
Things are in a constant state of motion here at the Swinler home.  George's contract has been approved with a start date of August 2nd.  With that being said, we now get the distinct pleasure of packing our entire home ourselves and moving it up to our new "home away from home" in Vienna, Virginia.  We have 3 weeks until our move date and have I mentioned that George will be away in DC for one of those 3 weeks?  Yep.
At this time, I direct you to my new theme song  Pressure
I have faith that everything will work out.  I repeat...  I have faith that everything will work out. 

In other news, I have been really enjoying the continuing ed photography class that I signed up for at the local community college.  I am so thankful for the opportunity to take this class, especially with everything else going on in our little world.  Last week we had an assignment to utilize one specific setting on our camera.  I, of course, went directly for the "A" setting.  Why not start at the beginning, right?  LOL
Here are a few pictures that I have taken recently.  I hope you enjoy them.
My sweet Boy, Clayton.