Friday, March 26, 2010

Fels-Naptha to the rescue!

So, we’re all aware of Clayton’s recent (unsuccessful) impersonation of Evel Kenivel and the subsequent trip to the Emergency Room. Let’s just say that the rumor that head wounds bleed a lot is NO RUMOR. It is for real, people! I could not believe what I was seeing! Needless to say, besides my beautiful 5 year old little boy covered in blood and having a gaping head wound, I looked like I had walked in from a crime scene. After holding Clayton, attempting to butterfly his wound with common household items (think MacGyver) and carrying him to the E.R., I was covered in blood.

**Key in super hero music** Fels-Naptha to the rescue! I swear there is a reason this stuff has been around for over 100 years! Not only has it been a proven laundry soap bar (grate it in to your washer or create your own laundry soap, recipe found here), it is an amazing pre-treatment for stains. Literally, you can watch them disappear before your very eyes! I washed my favorite pink long sleeve t-shirt (an essential in every Mom’s wardrobe) and, of course…. My favorite JEANS and every stain came out. **Happy dance**
I can also sing praise for having a micro-fiber sectional sofa. The seat covers zip off so you can wash them. Yes, our WHITE sofa looked like it had escorted me to the aforementioned crime scene. But not anymore! It is also clean as a whistle.

Even though there are loads of new cleaners out there promising to have bubbles that scrub, active stain lifters and a fresh, long lasting scent…. It never hurts to ask your Mom what HER Mom used for her laundry. Again, there is a reason this product has been around for over 100 years. Did I mention that it is the same, original formula also?

Thank you Fels-Naptha for swooping in and saving my day, along with my favorite pink t-shirt and jeans!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dancin' to our own tune....

As you all know, we like to encourage creativity and individuality in our children. To sit and watch my babies play, better yet just listening to them have conversations with their toys, is a joy. It is amazing to watch their minds work and explore.

Today Brooke decided take a break from playing “Shug-a Shug-a Shoe Shoe” (aka trains) and become a ballerina. She pulled out her tutu that I made for her ( for directions, go to my friend Heather’s blog
at The Mommyhood ) and began to dance. George jokes that her love for being “girly” must be genetic. As far as I know, she has never seen George or myself prance around in a tutu…(ha) but she has the routine down pat. She will even bow at the end, extend her arm in the air and say, “Sank You”!

Now, if I can get her to remove this beloved tutu and get dressed….. we are heading to the Zoo today with Daddy. More pics to come!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Don’t look now, but the sun is peeking out at us!
After a dark & dreary week, Mother Nature has decided to grace us with a touch of much needed sunshine. After picking up Clay from preschool today, we came home and went directly to the back yard to play.
Armed with some new shovels and pails (thank you Target dollar spot), the kids were on a mission.

Lucy took it upon herself to pre-dig a few good holes for the kids. Atta’ girl, Lucy!

Along with some good swing and slide time, we had a wonderful afternoon OUTSIDE!

Thank you, Mother Nature. You sure made us smile today!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Zoo time!

It was a chilly, overcast Monday here in E. Tennessee. The beautiful thing about living in this area is that there is never a shortage of things to do. Finding the motivation to do them….now that’s another story~

Despite the cold temps and threat of rain, the kids and I bundled up and took off for the zoo! We quickly realized that we would be spending the majority of our time inside. I thought for sure it was March in TN….where’s the SUN?
We really enjoyed playing in the newly remodeled Wee-Play area. They removed a few walls and really opened up the space. Clay and Brooke always enjoy making pizza’s (Melissa & Doug wood toys) and scooping ice cream.

We were also able to tap in to our budding veterinarian skills with the play pet hospital. It was great to watch the kids imitate what they have seen or experienced, with the plush animals. Brooke examined every pet’s ears and administered shots (she just had her 2yr check up with vax) to keep them healthy. Clayton spent a lot of time with the x-ray light box making sure no one had any broken bones.

We were able to go for a short walk to visit a few animals before the rain came. 
All in all, it was a fun day!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

To the moon with excitement!

As we all know, Clayton just celebrated a very big birthday.  The boy has been asking "When will I be 5?" for years!  For some reason, the big "5" is a very exciting time for him. 
George and I decided this would be a great year to have his birthday party somewhere other than at the house (as we have done every year since he was born).  Photos and notes from that exciting day will be in a separate post, soon. 

I wanted to take a minute to create this separate entry because the level of excitement in our house right now warrants it!  Clayton loves Space.  He sleeps with a tiny space shuttle replica that he got at the Air & Space Museum in D.C.  He loves to watch rocket tests and shuttle launches on Youtube and can tell you how fast the shuttle goes while in orbit, etc.  He really is a very neat little guy!  (**love**)
He has been eyeing this super cool Space Shuttle toy at Target for a few weeks now.  Well tonight was the big night....  armed with a birthday card and funds from Grandma & Grandpa Swinler (thank you!!), we set off to get his Space Shuttle toy. 
As you can see, he is VERY excited to finally be bringing his shuttle home! 
Thank you, Grandma & Grandpa Swinler, I am sure we will have many  more photos to share as he enjoys this awesome new toy!

I will admit, there are some pretty cool kids toys and games out there these days. Aside from the electronic gizmo's, video games and hand dandy hand held devices, it is good to see that some "old school" originals are still out there.
Do they beep? Nope
Do they need batteries? Not a one
Are they expensive? HA! NO
What they do require are more than one player (communication, interaction, interpersonal relation), patience (huh?), strategy and the life lesson that losing is "OK", as long as you tried your best.
Thumbs up Hasbro, for reminding us that "Family Game Night" is fun for the whole family!

Mama Blogger?

Can this be?
I think I just created a blog!
I know there are tons of Mom-blogs out there, most by women who are far more organized and creative than I am. However, I wanted to create a place where our families, far and wide, can come to catch up on our lives. With two children who are growing up so fast, I hope to capture a few moments of their lives to hold on to and cherish with you all. Most of you know that I love to take pictures. Lately I have been utilizing facebook to display our recent adventures. I hope to be able to switch to this blog in the future. Will it happen? ~Maybe~ Well, more than likely sounds better. :) I just have to learn how to do it.
Here's to joining the ranks of "Fellow Blogging Mama"~